Plagiarism Policy

Our journal is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity through a rigorous anti-plagiarism policy. Plagiarism undermines the credibility and reliability of scholarly work and is considered a serious breach of academic ethics. This policy ensures that all submitted manuscripts are original and that appropriate credit is given to the contributions of other researchers.

Manuscripts submitted to the Interdisciplinary Language and Cultural Studies Journal are reviewed for ethical compliance by the relevant editor and assistant editors before being sent for peer review. A plagiarism check is conducted using an  iThenticate report. Manuscripts with a similarity score below 20% are forwarded for scientific evaluation to at least two reviewers. The content of the manuscript is the sole responsibility of the author.

2. Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined as the act of using another individual’s work, ideas, or words without proper attribution and presenting them as one's own. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Direct Copying: Reproducing text from other sources without quotation marks and proper citations.
  • Paraphrasing: Rewriting or summarizing another’s ideas or research without appropriate acknowledgment.
  • Duplicate Submission: Submitting work that has been previously published or is under consideration elsewhere.

3. Author Responsibilities

  • Originality: Authors are responsible for ensuring that their submissions are original and that all sources are properly cited.
  • Proper Attribution: All references to other works must be cited in accordance with the journal’s citation guidelines to avoid misrepresentation.
  • Disclosure: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and any overlap with previously published work or concurrent submissions.

4. Detection and Consequences

  • Detection: Manuscripts will be subjected to plagiarism detection software and manual review. The editorial team will assess the extent and nature of any detected plagiarism.
  • Consequences: Manuscripts identified as containing substantial plagiarism may be rejected. In cases where plagiarism is discovered post-publication, the journal reserves the right to issue corrections or retractions.

5. Ethical Considerations

This plagiarism policy reflects our commitment to maintaining transparency, ethical research practices, and the dissemination of knowledge. We support and uphold the principles of academic integrity by promoting original research and accurate citation practices.

6. Contact Information

For inquiries or further information regarding our plagiarism policy, please contact us at

We appreciate your adherence to our plagiarism policy and your contribution to preserving the integrity of academic research