Power Of Language: Poetry In English Language Teaching


  • zekiye seis Anadolu Üniversitesi



Mots-clés :

Edebiyat, Şiir, İngilizce Dil Öğretimi, Kültür, Eleştirel Düşünme


English language teaching is the most important concern of language teachers as well as language learners in the world. The main goal of this profession is to build effective professional practice and to find out the answers to the problems that the learners meet through learning a language. Therefore, English language teachers use literature when teaching English, since literature, particularly poetry, reflects thoughts, feelings, and actions seen in the writer’s culture as a great teaching material in the language classes. In fact, poetry enriches the students’ critical thinking, which highly promotes the framework of 21st century skills. Therefore, this study aims to define the use of poetry as a part of literature in ELT, to present a brief historical overview of literature, to emphasize why poetry as a part of literature is an important source of developing language skills, to question in what ways poetry offers educational benefits, and to point out how poetry can be used through learning process especially for English language teachers to effectively use poetry in their classes. Finally, poetry is a great way of interaction with numerous contexts and cultures which could be a powerful tool for all language teachers and learners. Some suggestions for teachers have also been made in this study. For further studies, more systematic studies on the students' perspectives regarding literary components are required


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Comment citer

seis, zekiye. (2023). Power Of Language: Poetry In English Language Teaching. Études Interdisciplinaires En Langue Et Culture, 1(2), 31–39. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10390556